How is property appraised?
At least once every five (5) years the Property Appraiser’s office is required by Florida Statutes to visit and review every property in the county. However, property values may change each year due to market activity and other factors which affect value. The sales comparison is one method of determining value. Other methods include the cost approach and the income approach.
How will I know the value that has been placed on my property?
Each August you will receive a Notice of Proposed Property Taxes as required by law. This is an important piece of information. When you receive it in the mail it will say “DO NOT PAY – This is not a bill.” Please review this information carefully. It will give you the assessed value of your property, any exemptions, and the taxable value of your property for the upcoming year. It will also show you the proposed taxes for the upcoming year as set by the taxing authorities as well as the dates for their public hearings to discuss their budgets.
What if I think my assessed value is too high?
If you believe the assessed value of your property is too high or if you believe you should have received an exemption that does not show, you should contact the Property Appraiser’s office at once. The matter can be discussed and probably be resolved at that time. If you still feel your value is too high, you can file a petition with the Value Adjustment Board.
Can I get a homestead exemption if I rent a home or lot?
No. you must own the property on which you make an application. If you own a mobile home, but not the land on which it sits, you would not qualify for the homestead exemption. The mobile home would not be assessed on the tax roll. You would be required to purchase an annual mobile home tag through the Tax Collector’s office.
What if I own the mobile home and the land?
You could then qualify for homestead exemption. Even if you did not qualify for homestead exemption, you are required by Florida Statutes to purchase real property (RP) stickers for the mobile home. The mobile home would then be assessed as part of the real estate on the tax rolls.