What is TPP?

Tangible Personal Property (TPP)

Tangible Personal Property is all property other than real estate that has value in or of itself. It includes items such as business machinery, office equipment, office furniture and fixtures, industrial equipment and farm equipment and other items.

Any person or business that owns such property as of January 1st of any year must file a tangible personal property return to the Property Appraiser’s office no later than April 1st. The forms for this filing are available at the Property Appraiser’s office. The form must be completed fully, including the year the property was purchased, the purchase price, age, and a description of the item. You should also list any property that you lease or rent from another company and their name and address. After the original return is filed, you will receive a form every January to assist you in remembering to file. Failure to file this return can result in penalties under Florida Statutes. If you do not receive a form from this office, please contact us. It is the property owner’s responsibility to file the return even if we do not send you a form.

If you dispose of any or all of your property during any given year, you should list this on your return for the following year. If you have disposed of all your tangible property, you should indicate this on your return and send it to this office.


  • Be sure to list property you have disposed of in the appropriate area on the return. That way you can avoid being taxed for property you no longer own.
  • If a CPA fills out your return, check to make sure they have removed any property that you no longer own. Check for accuracy before you sign it.
  • If you change your location or mailing address, please inform this office.
  • Do not use the term “same as last year” or “no change” on your return.
  • The law requires a substantial financial penalty when a return is filed late. If you cannot complete the return by April 1, request an extension.
  • Be sure you sign and date your return before filing.

Go to our Download Forms page to download the appropriate application form.